Extraordinary Man Podcast

087: James Leath - Leadership Lessons From The Wizard of Oz

Episode Summary

In this episode James Leath shares what Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz can teach you about leadership. What entrepreneurs can learn from elite athletes. The many benefits of Wim Hof breathing and so much more.

Episode Notes

James Leath is a mental performance coach and the founder of Unleash the Athlete. With a bachelors in communication, a masters in Performance Psychology, and almost 20 years of coaching experience, Coach Leath teaches leadership, character, and mental resilience to elite performers in sport, theater, and business through keynotes, workshops, and online courses.

Using stories, improvisation, audience participation, and lots of energy, James provides an experience for the audience with clear takeaways for continued growth. All-day workshops like his “Do, Say, Be” formula for developing leaders and empowering them to take ownership in their personal development through goal setting, self-talk, commitment, and teamwork.

In this episode, we discuss:

-  What Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz can teach you about leadership  

- What entrepreneurs can learn from elite athletes 

- The many benefits of Wim Hof breathing

And so much more...  

Click Here to connect with James


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